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3 Mistakes to avoid in CA - CMA - CS Preparation

Written by CA Satish Jalan | Feb 3, 2021 11:21:15 AM

While preparing for the challenging exams, these mistakes you must avoid in your preparations.

Generally students get influenced from the flying information, which drive down their confidence.

Every student who aspire to become CA - CMA - CS  must avoid these three mistakes in their preparation.


(1)  Opinion for a subject


Do not build any opinion for any subject. It is generally observed that most students start emphasizing on the subject that was tricky in the previous exam term and it happens to be that the exam of the subject that was tricky in previous term are made easy in the next term.

It is advisable to give equal importance to each subject.


(2) Skewed Distribution


Do not leave any chapter or do not give excess importance to any specific chapter based on past paper's analysis.

Revising all the chapters are important to pass the exam.


(3) Judging your preparation


Just trust your mind and knowledge and give your exam with confidence. Do not judge yourself. Let the institute judge you.

Your karma is to study systematically and write the exam as required. On the basis of your first exam, do not decide the fate of all our exams.


You must watch this video on 3 Mistakes to avoid in CA - CS - CMA Preparation to boost up your confidence!!



Hope this helps!