In this blog, we will cover different aspects and milestones of the Cost and Management Accountant Course journey. In the digital era, while we are traveling, we often use Google maps. While navigating, we zoom out certain routes to understand our location better. In the same way, you need to understand the roadmap and milestones of your CMA course and plan your route accordingly.
Let us discuss the journey to the degree:
For the Cost and Management Accountant Course - the start point is divided into the Foundation Route and the Direct Entry Route. It doesn’t matter whether you start directly after your 12th through the Foundation Route or after your degree course through the Intermediate Route. The ultimate goal is to pass the CMA Final exam and secure a degree.
Let us assume that you decide to attempt CMA, immediately after your Class 12th exam or maybe somewhere in January, before your 12th board exams. So, there will be two milestones namely:
Milestone 1: The first milestone for a 12th class student is the board exams.
Milestone 2: The next milestone will be the CMA Foundation exam in December.
There are two categories at this level. The students who enter through the Intermediate level are either from the Foundation Route or they enter through the Direct Entry Route.
Your next doubt will be, who are these Direct Route Students?
So, let us clarify the doubt, they are either the graduates or they would have cleared the CS Foundation or CA Intermediate. There is no minimum mark eligibility for pursuing this course.
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The journey for Foundation Route and Direct Entry Route Students is the same from here. This level is the most crucial of all the three levels and therefore requires an effective planning.
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CMA Practical Training: All you need to know About The New Scheme
Pro Tip: Always try to complete the training program and coaching, then appear for the examination. Don’t rush to give exams half prepared
We hope we have cleared all your questions. If not, for the handhold guidance, follow us on YouTube or Instagram or comment below.