The ICMAI Dec 2023 exam dates for all CMA courses have been released by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI).
The schedule was published on the official website, icmai. in. The full schedule for the Foundation, Inter, and Final Year ICMAI CMA Examinations in Dec has been given below for your convenience.
The CMA Foundation exam will be held on Dec 17th in offline mode and the CMA Intermediate and CMA Final Exam will be held Between Dec 10th to Dec 17th, 2023.
The Schedule Of CMA Inter & CMA Final Dec 2023

The Exam Fees Of CMA Inter & CMA Final:
Exam Fees of CMA Inter & Final :
Group (s) |
Final Examination |
Intermediate Examination |
One Group
Inland Centres |
1400/- |
`1200/- |
Overseas Centres |
US $ 100 |
US $ 90 |
Two Groups
Inland Centres |
`2800/- |
`2400/- |
Overseas Centres |
US $ 100 |
US $ 90 |
Mode of Payment: Online ( link )
Some Important Facts To Note About CMA Inter & CMA Final Dec 2023 Exam:
- Application Forms for the Intermediate and Final Examination have to be filled up online, and fees will be accepted online mode only (including the Payfee Module of IDBI Bank). No Offline form and DD payment will be accepted for the domestic candidate.
- (a) Students can log in to the website and apply online through the payment gateway by using a Credit/Debit card or Net banking.
(b) Students can also pay their requisite fees through the pay-fee module of IDBI Bank.
- The last date for receipt of Examination Application Forms of CMA Inter and CMA Final is 10th Oct 2023.
- The mode of examination will be offline-centre based.
- Examination Centres: Adipur-Kachchh (Gujarat), Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Akurdi, Allahabad, Angul Talcher, Asansol, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Bankura, Baroda, Berhampur – Ganjam (Odisha), Bharuch Ankleshwar, Bhilai, Bhilwara, Bhopal, Bewar City(Rajasthan), Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur, Bikaner (Rajasthan), Bokaro, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Dindigul, Dehradun, Delhi, Dhanbad, Duliajan (Assam), Durgapur, Ernakulam, Erode, Faridabad, Gaya, Ghaziabad, Guntur, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Haridwar, Hazaribagh, Hosur, Howrah, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Jodhpur, Kalyan, Kannur, Kanpur, Kanchipuram, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Kollam, Kota, Kottakkal (Malappuram), Kottayam, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Mysore, Nagpur, Naihati, Nasik, Nellore, Neyveli, Noida, Palakkad, Palghar, Panaji (Goa), Patiala, Patna, Pondicherry, Port Blair, Pune, Raipur, Rajahmundry, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Sambalpur, Serampore, Shillong, Shimla, Siliguri, Solapur, Srinagar, Surat, Thrissur, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tirupati, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Vapi, Vashi, Vellore, Vijayawada, Vindhyanagar, Visakhapatnam and Overseas Centres at Bahrain, Dubai and Muscat.
- A candidate fulfilling all conditions specified for appearing in the examination will only be allowed to appear for the examination.
- Probable date of publication of result: Inter & Final – Feb 2024.
* The candidates/students are advised to keep regularly in touch with the website of the Institute for further notifications and announcements relating to the Examination of June 2023 and in case of any query or clarification can e-mail us only at
The Schedule Of the CMA Foundation Exam Dec 2023
Time & Date
Foundation Course Examination Syllabus-2016 (old) |
Time 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. Paper – 1 & 2 (200 Marks) |
Time 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. Paper – 3 & 4 (200 Marks) |
Dec 17th, 2023
Paper – 1: Fundamentals of Economics & Management
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 3: Fundamentals of Laws & Ethics
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 2: Fundamentals of Accounting
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 4: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Foundation Course Examination Syllabus-2022(new) |
Time 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. Paper – 1 & 2 (200 Marks) |
Time 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. Paper – 3 & 4 (200 Marks) |
Paper – 1: Fundamentals of Business Laws and Business Communication
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 3: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics and Statistics
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 2: Fundamentals of Financial and Cost Accounting
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Paper – 4: Fundamentals of Business Economics and Management
(100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions)
Exam Fee Of CMA Foundation Exam Dec 2023
Foundation Course Examination
Inland Candidate |
`1200/- |
Overseas Candidate |
US $ 60 |
Some Important Facts To Note:
- Application Forms for the Foundation Examination have to be filled up online and fees will be accepted through online mode (including the Payfee Module of IDBI Bank).
- (a) Students can log in to the website and apply online through a payment gateway by using a Credit/Debit card or Net banking.
(b) Students can also pay their requisite fees through the pay-fee module of IDBI Bank.
- The last date for receipt of Examination Application Forms is 17th Oct 2023.
- The Foundation Examination will be conducted in M.C.Q Mode through offline OMR based on the Centre.
- Each paper will carry 100 marks and 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Each Question will carry 2 Marks). Each session will have 100 Multiple Choice Questions for 200 marks.
- All Candidates/students are to appear in the Foundation examination through the offline OMR centre-based.
- A candidate/student completing all conditions for appearing in the examination as per Regulations will only be allowed to appear for the examination.
- There is no negative marking.
- Detailed instructions will be provided along with an Admit Card.
- Examination Centres: Adipur-Kachchh (Gujarat), Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Akurdi, Allahabad, Angul Talcher, Asansol, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Bankura, Baroda, Berhampur – Ganjam (Odisha), Bharuch Ankleshwar, Bhilai, Bhilwara, Bhopal, Bewar City(Rajasthan), Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur, Bikaner (Rajasthan), Bokaro, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Dindigul, Dehradun, Delhi, Dhanbad, Duliajan (Assam), Durgapur, Ernakulam, Erode, Faridabad, Gaya, Ghaziabad, Guntur, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Haridwar, Hazaribagh, Hosur, Howrah, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Jodhpur, Kalyan, Kannur, Kanpur, Kanchipuram, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Kollam, Kota, Kottakkal (Malappuram), Kottayam, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Mysore, Nagpur, Naihati, Nasik, Nellore, Neyveli, Noida, Palakkad, Palghar, Panaji (Goa), Patiala, Patna, Pondicherry, Port Blair, Pune, Raipur, Rajahmundry, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Sambalpur, Serampore, Shillong, Shimla, Siliguri, Solapur, Srinagar, Surat, Thrissur, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tirupati, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Vapi, Vashi, Vellore, Vijayawada, Vindhyanagar, Visakhapatnam and Overseas Centres at Bahrain, Dubai and Muscat.
- Probable date of publication of result: To be announced in due course.
Oct 17 2023, is the last day to submit an application for the ICMAI CMA Foundation Exam. While Oct 10th, 2023, is the deadline for CMA Inter and Final Exam applications. Candidates may refer to the information below on the application process.
Results from the exams administered during the Dec Session are anticipated to be released in February.
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