Are you also facing issues in managing your studies along with your Training?
Most of the time, we think we can create a correct balance between our work and study. But with time, we realize that we lack to live up to our expectations.
Mainly, what might have happened with you is, you could not follow a proper study plan. You try to create a study plan, but with time you realize that you are not living up to it. And afterwards forget that there was even a study plan which existed. But it's not good for you and this acts as a main barrier in your success.
Do you know, your success is purely based on your Persistence towards your goal. You have to stay committed towards your goal, which will help you in the long run, if you accept it in your life.
No one knows your schedule better than you. You know where you are spending most of your time and where you can arrange a time for yourself. You can create a schedule for yourself, which suits you best, and is exclusively made for you.
I think, we all are a slave of technology. You must be thinking how? Have you ever noticed where most of your time is spend? The answer is, its with your Phone. We all spend a major portion of our time on surfing something or the other in our phone.
It is also one of the reason of all our diversion. I am not saying it's not good but only when it's used in moderation.
Let me tell you how you can make the best use of your phone. There is a Calendar App in it. You should create your timetable in it. If needed, it can be shared with your friends and family. So they know your schedule. Also do you know, what's an interesting benefit of it is, you will be more compelled to stick to it . Because now you are socially committed to it. If you want your people to take you seriously then you have to follow your own words.
All your effort will only be successful, if you focus on your goal. And if your goal is clear, it will help you in the long run. Then, you don’t have to arrange the time, it will automatically generate. Even, you will also start utilizing your holidays to study. You will either study or use it for your revision.
But, all this will only be possible when you take care of yourself. If you are not healthy or don’t take care of yourself then all these will not be possible. Because, when the time of taking action will come you may not feel well. I have seen many students who spend so much time in planning but when execution time comes they fall ill.
Your success starts only when you are mentally and physically fit. Only then, you will be able to focus more on your vision.
Do check this video where AIR-10 CA Shantanu Jain shared his journey and what helped him, in his practical journey.
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